Tuesday, October 18, 2011


和好朋友约会,睡过了约会可以改点儿。迟到了说几句就完,得让她知道我已经等她好久了。 和好朋友一起吃饭,谁多谁少谁付账不算计那么精。 和好朋友一起聊天,没心眼儿的随便胡说。 和好朋友一起逛街,通常评论街上的行人。说一些好笑的话。 和好朋友一起家呆,总是呆不住,半夜就能溜出去。 和好朋友一起工作,总是有说有笑,有打有闹,一天过得很快。 和好朋友一起伤心,不停诉说自己的伤心事,可以倾听和理解还有劝说。 和好朋友一起开心,不是去那就是去这。 和好朋友短占的约会,不管呆多久,经过她家乐就出来聊聊。 和好朋友在一起总是很开心。短占的时间也很好!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I am not a happy person

Sometimes feel curious of some people who always very happy, but I can't. Some people like me because of my smile, but I am not a person can smile all the time. This moment I can be very happy by watching happy movie/drama, or happy story, next minute I can affected by some sad story or cruel news of others.

Some people can lives happily like no tragedy happens in this world, but I can't. Sometimes I also dont know why I worry too much about others thing, not relevant to me also, but I can feel their pain. I am easily affected in conclusion.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


A beautiful environment, a nice that I wish I can experience it again~~

Get back..

This place I have seen before in my computer background picture. A very fantastic place that makes me feel so surprise. When I choose to come Chatsworth, never imagine this place can be so amazing.

Recently I am in a very silent mode~~ Means I have to find back my happiness as soon as possible when I back to Malaysia. Missing home and best friends so so much. Every minute at here also keep thinking of Malaysia. I think I the only one person who keep missing home, I guess. Majority of them are very excited, didn't miss home also. Therefore, I am considered very awkward among them.

Recently keep on sick, do not know what had happened. Immunity gone worst, fever, flu, headache, and sore throat all come together. Maybe is because of the worse experience I experienced that day. Hmm.. very sad, scary experience. I always pray god do not let me experience it again. My heart nearly jump out. I scare I will heart attack since my heart is not very healthy in nature.

TGV Birthday Surprise for Nuffnangers

We’ve always wished that we could do something to wish all the Nuffnangers in our community a happy birthday every time someone grew a year older. Trouble is, sending out happy thoughts didn’t quite cut it, and mailing out birthday cakes to all of you would probably give the mailman a lifelong headache. Not to worry [...]More